Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Movie Review: Mr. and Mrs. Smith 2005 Director Doug Liman

Tania says:
Mr. and Mrs. Smith was next on the list (actually first on the list). It is number 81 on the Box Office list. Also, viewing was not as exciting since we watched in on the old TV. I have actually seen this before and really didn’t like it. I have a problem with Angelina Jolie stealing Brad Pitt from Jennifer Aniston. I know this is really none of my business but I like Jennifer Aniston. I always felt like she was the kind of girl I would be friends (HA!) with in high school. We’d be the normal dorky girls and then she would score this cool boyfriend. Angelina is like the cool college chick who takes Philosophy classes and smokes clove cigarettes and how can the normal, dorky girl compete with that? So I am a little protective of Jen but all that aside – the movie isn’t as terrible as I remembered.

It is a popcorn film that is just pretty typical. A married couple, who have been lying about their secret careers for 5 or 6 years, discovers that they are both assassins or spies or something like that. Their new mission is to kill the other one but instead they end up bonding over the careers they have in common. The actions sequences aren’t that exciting or anything but I actually found the film surprisingly funny in parts. Brad Pitt is actually funny and Vince Vaughn (as Brad’s co-worker and friend) steals every scene he is in. He is a little underutilized but then again I could watch Vince Vaughn read the phonebook and bust a gut over it. That funny kid from the O.C. is in it too but he is even more underutilized with is sad because I think he is funny.

So, it was actually the humor in this movie that made it ok for me not all the action. Oh, and the Smith’s house. It rules – I covet that kitchen (minus the guns in the stove.)
Overall – if you are in the mood for something mindless and mildly amusing give it a whirl!

Josh says:
I thought this movie needed more Vince Vaughn. The plot line was completely unrealistic. The suspension of disbelief tactics were really subpar and overall the movie was sort of meh at best. I think if we extend the Vince Vaughn parts to about 90 minutes and cut out the Brad & Angelina stuff to about 20 minutes we might have a winner.

As an aside, I think Angelina Jolie has a lot more going for her than Jennifer Aniston. I doubt she smokes cloves though, they're gross.


Reen said...


You guys have a BLOG!!!!!! I'm so here. Default Fan of the Gio & Spence Hour.

FWIW - Jas says Angelina is the chic you would give your left arm to do if ever ever EVER given the chance. (Although GROSS - sex with one good arm and a bloody stump? Ummm, yuck.) And Jen is the girl you would ask to marry.


Carrie said...

Angelina is creepy and used voodoo to get Brad from Jennifer, and is still voodooing him, because their astrologer says that Brad & Jen are still deeply connected and will at one time reconnect. And Jen had thanksgiving with Brad's parents. See look at all the cool things you learn playing fafarazzi...

Oh and the movie - I have to agree with Tannie, more Vince & more Adam please. :)