Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Movie Review: X2 - Men United

Tania Says:
I remembered really liking this movie when I saw it in the theater. I liked it enough that I actually decided to buy it for some reason. I think it might have been Hugh Jackman and Alan Cumming that made me purchase the dvd. Two singing and dancing Broadway stars and I am so there. So when we decided to finally watch it (the dvd was still in plastic – oops.) I was pretty excited to revisit it.

And I did like it the second time! It is a fun action movie with cool characters and cool actors. This installment of the series focuses on some crazy dude with a mutant son trying to steal Captain Picard’s cool Ceribro invention and the ongoing story of trying to rid the world of mutants. Hugh Jackman is super cool, so is Alan Cumming. James Marsden is horrible but pretty fun to watch and make fun of. Overall it is exactly what I would expect an X-Men movie to be. I admit I never read the comics or watched the cartoon so maybe the movies aren’t keeping it real but I like them and I enjoy the series. It is mindless entertainment and people with powers. Powers are neat. And all this leads nicely into our next review of X-Men 3!

Josh Says:
Um..................it's X-Men. It's good in most of the the ways it should be. Which I guess is good cause the Matrix sequels weren't good in the ways they should have bee.....oops. Future blog spoiler, sorry about that.

P.S. it was really funny when I got Tania's review which originally read: "James Marsters is horrible but pretty fun to watch and make fun of"

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Hmm James Marsters in X-Men...He's probably to old now, but I could see him as a Gambit...